For many years now I’ve been considering starting a blog but
made do with tumblr. Which, don’t get me
wrong, I absolutely love but I figured I’d start this as somewhere to post
longer ramblings. And believe me, there
will be a LOT of rambling. Precisely
what these ramblings will be on I am yet to decide but I can pretty much guarantee
there will be posts on baking, movies, photography, geekery and generally any
aspect of my life about which I have anything remotely interesting to say.
And now for something completely different!! Ok so I'm just going to tell you a bit about myself so its not that different but honestly I've just always wanted to use that phrase... My name's Amy, I'm an almost twenty year old nerd about to embark on the next part of the great journey that is life. I'm just a girl trying to figure out what this big ol' world has in store for her.
So come along, enjoy the ride and try not to get eaten by a pterosaur!