Thursday, 25 January 2018

Kicking Depression in the butt

Tonight I posted this pic on Instagram, and as you can see from the caption, I kicked depression's butt today.  On that note, follow me on Instagram at amy_geddon!

I didn't want to go into in it a lot of detail on Insta but did want to write more about it, so here we are again, with me back on this blog I only use once in a blue moon!

This photo truly shows the face of someone who looked depression in the face today and kicked it's butt.  Yesterday, I was having a really bad mental health day, to the point that I didn't get out of bed until after 5pm and just felt lethargic and useless all day.  Today, I got up at 2pm and still didn't feel 100% but I forced myself to try to be productive.  At the end of the day, I've written 500 words on a uni assignment, applied to several more places for my thesis work placement, gone to choir, updated my diary and recorded a song cover for my YouTube channel.  Plus, I'm writing this post!

But, a lot of days I would beat myself up for this... I'd tell myself that I should have written more words and shouldn't have done "fun" things when I still had so much to do for uni.  But my new years resolution for 2018 was to be kinder to myself, so today, I'm celebrating my achievements.  Yes, I could have done more and the things I did may not seem like a massive thing to other people but I'm improving upon myself and got a huge amount of productive things done, so I'm really proud of myself tonight.  Every step forward is a step towards a better, healthier, happier lifestyle for  me so I'm celebrating all the little victories because one day, I'll look back and all the little victories will have led to me winning this battle.  And that's pretty cool...